Ron's Jewelry

Last updated 17 June 2013
Mystical properties of stones

Almost all human societies and cultures have believed that various stones have special healing or mystical properties. This can be manifested in something as simple as a particular stone being "lucky" (e.g. as in birthstones) or something much deeper: curing particular illnesses or diseases. Some people suggest that any effects are largely psychological, relying on faith to be effective. Of course this should not be underestimated; medical science has long known of the "placebo effect" where there is a measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behaviour even though the treatment of itself is has no medical effect. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on these ideas.

Click on the first letter of the stone that interests you.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]
[N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

Aegirine: self-quest; revitalizes the mind; increases the healing energy of other stones.
African Mystic Quartz: cleansing; accelerates spiritual growth; focuses healing energy.
Agate: discerns truth; accepts circumstances; powerful emotional healer.
Ajoite: activates and energizes the heart chakra; aligns with the universal spirit.
Alexandrite: enhances the rebirth of inner and outer self; promotes awareness.
Amazonite: aligns astral bodies; unity with life; enhances creative expression.
Amber: calming for hyperactivity and stressed nerves; helps find humor and joy.
Amethyst: encourages inner peace; fights addictive behavior; transforms energy.
Ametrine: dispels negativity; aids decision-making and meditation; relieves stress.
Andalusite: stimulates past memories; realignment and centering of self.
Angelite: protects; strengthens degenerate organs; excellent for creative people.
Apache Tear: grants forgiveness; aids understanding in distress.
Apatite: good for communications; highly psychic; controls weight gain.
Apophyllite: loving attunement to body and spirit; stimulates intuition.
Aquamarine: banishes fears; calms nerves; imparts strength and control.
Aragonite: calms and centers; allows for insight; aids self-discipline.
Aventurine: independence; strong legs and joints; helps in career change.
Azurite: guidance to psychic self; cuts through illusion; enhances communication.
Azurite-Malachite: initiates transformation; aids clarity and understanding in vision.
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Barite: loyalty; harmony; aids intuition and relationships; motivates to follow dreams.
Blizzard Stone: protects the body's magnetic field (from computers, etc.).
Blue-lace Agate: expands consciousness; soothing; wise; aids public speaking.
Bloodstone: prevents high blood pressure; cleanser of body; aids decision-making.
Brazilianite: trust in self; refreshes pre-birth memories; gently clears blockages.
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Calcite: aids memory; balances the mental and the emotional.
Candle quartz: aids in accessing ancient knowledge and putting it to use.
Carnelian: releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy and rage; past-life work.
Celestite: aids clear speech and personal expression; highly spiritual.
Chalcedony: expression of emotional needs; honesty; alleviates regret.
Charoite: accelerates spiritual growth; enhances self-esteem and ability to love.
Chrysanthemum stone: grounding, prosperity, discovering and achieving the soul's purpose.
Chrysocolla: communication; female energy; creativity; relieves ulcers and arthritis.
Chrysoprase: prevents depression; increases grace and equilibrium; balances energy.
Citrine: cleans auras; detoxifies the body; aids tissue regeneration.
Copper: soothes arthritis; releases restrictions; stimulates initiative and optimism.
Coral: protection from evil; increases imagination; resolves conflicts.
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Danburite: stimulates intellect; enhances psychic ability and self-assuredness.
Diopside: brings necessary tears; heals trauma; aids regression; scrying stone.
Dioptase: attracts love, abundance, prosperity and health.
Dioptase with Dolomite: reduces body aches, stress, and sorrow; helps growth of muscles, hair, nails, etc.
Dravite: a protective stone that brings the peace of the earth to the higher self.
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Emerald: secures love; attracts wealth and profitable dreaming.
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Ferro-actinolite: assists past-life recall; shields the heart; increases life force; brotherhood.
Fluorite: aids comprehension; strengthens teeth and bones; stabilizing and calming.
Fossil: aids past-life exploration; protection from spells.
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Galena: harmony; healthy hair; promotes holistic studies.
Garnet: increases health, fidelity, and imagination; balances energy flow.
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Hematite: grounding; promotes common sense and level-headedness.
Herkimer Diamond: stimulates psychic abilities; soothes tension; aids sleep.
Hemimorphite: aids in communication of inner feelings toward healing unhealthy or damaged relationships.
Hessonite: clears negativity; eliminates feelings of inferiority; promotes positive change.
Heulandite: assists past-life recall; weight loss; open-mindedness; promotes positive change.
Hiddenite: stimulates intellect and insight; universal love.
Holly blue agate: spiritual and psychic actualization; as one teaches, one also learns.
Howlite: combines reasoning, observation, and patience, providing for discernment.
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Infinite: helps one deal with one's past, present, and future at once; a very loving angelic stone.
Iolite: gives accurate visions; releases discord; strengthens liver; soul connector.
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Jade: reduces eyestrain and negativity; promotes longevity; helps dream recall and interpretation.
Jasper: powerful physical healer; protects against negativity.
Jet: dispels migraines, illness, violence and deep depression; protects finances.
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Kundalini Quartz: primal energy; raises kundalini; grounding.
Kunzite: reduces insecurity and addictiveness; a loving stone; gives maturity.
Kyanite: promotes clarity and understanding in dream work; enhances creativity.
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Labradorite: brings recognition of destiny; increases telepathic ability.
Lapis Lazuli: strengthens total awareness and ESP; creativity.
Larimar: confidence builder; good for sales; reduces depression; builds serenity.
Lepidolite: promotes self-love; alleviates stress, anger, and tension.
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Malachite: lucky money stone; helpful for sleep, asthma, and labor.
Marble: grounding and calming; promotes weight loss and creativity; engenders strength and self-discipline.
Moldavite: helps channel inter-dimensional sources; catalyst for important life changes.
Mookaite: protective; brings one into the "here and now"; helps in acceptance of change.
Moonstone: luck love stone; calming; introspective; assists with emotional release.
Morganite: sisterhood; balances emotions; heals pain of separation; love energy.
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Nephrite: strengthens the body's filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins.
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Obsidian: eliminates gullibility; offers detachment; very protective.
Onyx: relieves stress and grief; strengthens self-control and morality.
Opal: helps recall of past lives; aids inner beauty, faithfulness and eyesight.
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Paua shell: promotes cooperation; energy source for groups; brings continuity to one's environment; instils stable atmosphere.
Peridot: opens new doors; removes stress, fear, and guilt; activates personal growth.
Petalite: enhances ability to feel energy; dissolves negative energy and black magic; the stone of angels.
Petrified wood: connection to earth and nature; removes petty annoyances.
Phenacite: inner knowing; spiritual travel; increases energy of other stones.
Pietersite: dignified power and loving guidance; helps access Akashic records.
Pop Rocks: sense of joy; highly energetic; draws pain out of body.
Prase: resolves sexuality issues; sense of oneness with universe; Earth-mother stone.
Prehnite: balances charkas; enhances personal relationships.
Purpurite: helps break away from limiting patterns; finances; increases spirituality.
Pyrite: increases memory, concentration, and spiritual and psychic ability.
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Quartz: programmable stone; breaks bad habits; relieves headaches; channeling stone; enhances life force.
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Rhodizite: "the master crystal"; unlocks blockages; activates charkas; positive stone.
Rhodochrosite: strengthens mental power; helps find new love.
Rhodonite: assuredness; helps one achieve the greatest potential.
Rose Quartz: self-assuredness; love stone; reduces weight and wrinkles.
Ruby: mental balance; improves circulation; protects sensitive natures.
Rutilated Quartz: excellent for birthing process; enhances communication.
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Sapphire: goal motivator; strengthens loyalty; highly evolved spiritual stone.
Selenite: flexibility; clarity in decision-making; strengthens spinal column.
Septarian: healing stone for overall well-being; opens psychic abilities; relieves muscle spasms; nurtures and grounds.
Seraphinite: cleanses aura and charkas; helps contact angels; energy of cooperation.
Serpentine: protects against poisonous creatures; balances mood swings; encourages solving conflicts by peaceful means.
Smoky Quartz: relieves depression and tension; balances sexual energies.
Sodalite: prophetic dreaming; good for endocrine system; eliminates confusion.
Staurolite: tears of fairies; good luck; helps transitions; makes one at ease.
Stichtite: encourages truthfulness, gentleness, and an open mind; eases kundalini through heart chakra.
Strawberry Quartz: aids recall of past lives; eases tension in relationships.
Sugilite: aids physical healing; reduces stress; strengthens heart; an emotional balancer.
Sugilite with Manganese: increases psychic and spiritual awareness; grounding
Sunstone: dissipates fear; increases vitality; fosters spiritual growth; a stone of luck.
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Tanzanite: a stone of magic; facilitates spiritual awareness; stimulates insight.
Tektite: fosters wisdom through life experience; prevents emotional scars.
Tiger iron: enhances creativity through meditation; good for motivation on all levels.
Tiger's Eye: psychic protector; great for business success; encourages clarity.
Topaz: good for tissue regeneration, kidneys, and bladder; enhances understanding.
Tourmaline: good for anemia; increases success and love; relieves fatigue.
Turquoise: friendship stone; fosters mental relaxation; supports respiratory system.
Turritella: eases domestic relations and group interactions.
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Unakite: enhances sense of personal power; converts the negative into the positive.
Uvarovite: healing stone; promotes peace, tranquillity, emotional regeneration; brings love and devotion; clarifies thinking.
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Variscite: soothing stone; eases fear, anxiety, and impatience; relieves stress and depression.
Vesuvianite: creative and intuitive aid; helps fight depression, fear, and negativity.
Victorite: peacefulness; encourages awareness of higher energies, emotional release, and clarity of speech.
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Wulfenite: invigorates and harmonizes emotions, passion, appetite.
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Zebra stone: one of the best stones for pain management.
Zincite: cathartic; removes energy blockages; brings together similar minds.
Zircon: intuition, durability, steadiness, integrity; eases depression, insomnia; poison detoxifier.
Zoisite: treating disorders of the heart, spleen, stomach, pancreas and lungs.
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