Ron's Jewelry

Last updated 14 October 2019
Gift certificates
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Do you want to buy a pendant, bracelet or brooch for a friend but cannot decide on the best choice? Here you can buy a gift certificate - give it to your friend and they can use it to select the item of their choice. Gift certificates are available valued at $40, $70 or $100.
$40 Gift Certificate

$70 Gift Certificate

$100 Gift Certificate

How it works. After purchase, the certificate will be emailed to you at your PayPal email address. The certificate may be used by anyone to pay for any pendants, bracelets or brooches (you will prepay the standard $5 postage charge) up to the value of the certificate. Any excess must be paid using PayPal. If the entire value of the certificate is not used, the unused amount will be refunded to the original buyer of the certificate.